Infant & Toddler
These packages are suitable for 4 months - 5 years and will provide you everything you need for your child to sleep well at night and take long, restful naps during the day
Do you have an infant or toddler and dread the bedtime routine? Is it taking hours of rocking, patting, shhh-ing - only to repeat again for each night waking? Or maybe you have a young child who is getting up and leaving their bedroom multiple times a night?
Let's fix that!
About the Basics
A preliminary evaluation
You will fill out a questionnaire that will allow me to better understand your child, their personality, routine and habits so that I can develop a sleep solution that personally suits them.
Your one-on-one consultation
(phone or in person) We will go over the sleep needs for your child, strategies, how to tackle bedtime, what to do with night- wakings and how to approach naps.
Your personalised sleep strategy
This sleep plan will be provided and explained in detail during your consultation. It will give you a step by step guide on how to get your child on a path to achieving better sleep.
Follow up phone calls
typically ranging from 15-20 minutes in length, we will discuss how things are progressing with implementing your sleep plan and troubleshoot any difficulties that may have come up. Our first call will take place after Night 1.
Unlimited email support
Beginning on night 1 and continuing for the duration of the program, you will have access to unlimited email support (emails will be answered within 24 hours)
Resource Guide
This includes everything you will need to know moving forward. Some topics include: nap transitions, traveling, sickness, and developmental milestones
Additional Services
Refresher packages
(for previous clients)
Preliminary Evaluation
1 hr phone call
Up to 1 page of written recommendations/ supporting documentation
* please note that to be eligible for this package we must have worked together in the past.
AMA "Ask Me Anything" Call
Preliminary Evaluation
30 minute phone call where I give you as much as information and tips as I can during our time together.
Free sleep talks and paid seminars available upon request

meet heather

Hey! I'm Heather, a wife and formerly sleep deprived momma to three boys and a little girl. I am an experienced certified sleep consultant of 5
+ years and am so excited to help you achieve your goals of sleeping well!
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