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Prenatal & Newborn


Newborn Starter Kit 

If you have a baby on the way or a new bundle of joy, this starter kit is all about education, sleep tips and methods to give your baby the best start to sleeping well.

The Newborn Starter Kit includes:


  • A one-on-one 60 minute class (phone or in person) - detailing what sleep often looks like for a newborn, why sleep is important and key tools and strategies for developing good sleep habits. 


  • One follow up phone call from 2-12 weeks of age where we can discuss how things have been going implementing what you learned in the newborn class and troubleshoot any difficulties that may have come up.


  • One week of email support beginning after our follow up phone call (expiring after 12 weeks)


  • Resource Guide - This includes everything you need to know regarding why sleep is important for your baby, how to encourage good sleep habits, developing a routine and troubleshooting sleep difficulties.




Free Evaluation

If you're not sure if a consultation is right for you, or if you have any questions at all about what's included, I'd like to invite you to take advantage of a FREE evaluation. This will give us the chance to chat a little bit about your child's unique situation, and decide what services are the best fit for your family.

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